CircuLex LDLR EGF-AB domain

CircuLex LDLR EGF-AB domain


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CircuLex LDLR EGF-AB domain of 50 µg and The LDLR EGF-AB domain demonstrates ~15 kDa by SDS-PAGE analysis.

Product Specifications
Purity The LDLR EGF-AB domain is greater than 90% pure as determined by SDS-PAGE analysis.
Formulation The LDLR EGF-AB domain is supplied frozen in 20 mM sodium phosphate buffer pH7.2, 290 mM NaCl and 10 % glycerol.
Documents & Links for CircuLex LDLR EGF-AB domain
Datasheet CircuLex LDLR EGF-AB domain Datasheet

Documents & Links for CircuLex LDLR EGF-AB domain
Datasheet CircuLex LDLR EGF-AB domain Datasheet

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