For Research Use Only.
Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

CircuLex Rat NGAL/Lipocalin-2 ELISA Kit

Code No.
96 Assays

The CycLex Research Product CircuLex Rat NGAL/Lipocalin-2 ELISA Kit is used for the quantitative measurement of rat NGAL/Lipocalin-2 in serum samples. It can be used for 96 Assays.

Target: NGAL/Lipocalin-2

Product Type: ELISA Kit

Application: ELISA

Research Area: Metabolism

Description/Background: "Human neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), also called human lipocalin-2, was originally identified as an associated protein to 92-kDa human neutrophil type IV collagenase, also called gelatinase B or matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) (1). The rat ortholog, neu-related lipocalin (NRL) or α2-microglobulin-related protein, was identified as a protein highly overexpressed in mammary cancers. The murine ortholog, called 24p3, 24 kDa superinducible protein (Sip24), or uterocalin, was identified as a protein induced in response to various proliferative signals and is highly expressed in uterine luminal fluids and epithelial cells. Recently, 24p3 has also been implicated in processes as diverse as apoptosis (2) and kidney cell differentiation (3). NGAL, like most lipocalins, is thought to modulate cellular processes by binding to ligand(s) and interacting with specific cell-surface receptors. Evidence for such a mammalian receptor for NGAL has recently been reported (2). One early hypothesis proposed that NGAL has immunomodulatory activity by binding and clearing lipophilic inflammatory mediators (4), such as the neutrophil tripeptide chemoattractant N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe (5, 6). NGAL is released from the secondary granules of activated neutrophils (1) and plasma levels rise in inflammatory or infective conditions, especially in bacterial infections (7). Thus the level of NGAL in plasma or serum has been proposed as a marker of infection. However, as levels of NGAL may also be raised in neoplastic conditions and renal disorders independently of any infective process, this proposed application should be treated with caution. An early and dramatic upregulation was later observed in rat proximal tubule cells after ischemia-reperfusion injury (8), and raised plasma levels of NGAL were found to be strongly correlated with decreased renal function in patients with renal damage due to systemic vasculitis (9). The results for renal ischemia-reperfusion injury were subsequently confirmed and extended to nephrotoxic agents (10-12). It has been suggested that urinary NGAL levels may serve as an early marker for ischemic renal injury in children after cardiopulmonary bypass (13)."

Protocols: ELISA

Sensitivity: The limit of detection (defined as such a concentration of rat NGAL giving absorbance higher than mean absorbance of blank* plus three standard deviations of the absorbance of blank: A blank + 3SD blank) is better than 6.02 pg/ml of sample.

Regulatory Statement: For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

CircuLex Rat NGAL/Lipocalin-2 ELISA Kit